Hello Wonder Woman


Hello Wonder Woman is a powerful workshop that combines self-defence, shared experience and life coaching.

Definitely a curious combo, but it truly works. I created the workshop because society tells us (and perpetuates through the media) that a woman’s greatest fear is for her personal safety.

Is that fear true for you too?

Of course, I know you have other fears – fear of speaking up in a meeting, fear of speaking to your manager about your workload, fear of holding your ground when someone pushes in front of you at the coffee queue.

And then there’s the fear of not using the right beauty products, fear of eating the wrong food, fear of occasionally leaving work a little early so you can take care of yourself.

Not to mention the fear of being overlooked for promotion, fear of the patriarchy, fear of misogyny, fear of racism, fear of sexual harassment, fear of homophobia… even fear of posting a less than glamorous pic of yourself online!

Each fear stokes the fire of anxiety inside us, but here’s the thing.

Fear in its current form, is not helping us get to where we need to go.

Fear is controlling us.

Fear is freezing us.

Fear is stopping us from doing the things we want to do or say.

Not to mention the other thing…

Hoping the fear will go away doesn't work - fear has a way of growing into a roaring inferno the more it is ignored.

Fear only loosens its grip when you turn and face it, step towards it, or take direct action against it.

Welcome to Hello Wonder Woman: a workshop designed to work on a woman’s greatest fear, so she can work on all her other fears.


Imagine a woman working through her fear of being attacked.

Imagine a woman feeling supported by other women in a safe environment.

Imagine a woman alchemising her fear into action towards an attacker.

Imagine a woman who now knows the Alchemise Fear process, stepping towards all the other fears in her life.

A woman speaking up in a meeting. A woman having difficult conversations. A woman taking time to take care of herself.

Is that a woman you’d like to imagine for yourself?


Hello Wonder Woman will support you to alchemise your fear of being attacked, plus you’ll leave the workshop with a personalised action plan around your own unique fear.

Are you ready to imagine the best version of yourself?

Are you ready to alchemise your fear into action?

Are you ready to say Hello Wonder Woman to your reflection in the mirror?


Tickets to the next public Hello Wonder Woman Workshop can be purchased here.

You can also subscribe to my newsletter and download your complimentary Cycles Calendar here.

For information on my Cycle Superpowers Coaching Services, please visit my Services Page.

Emilie Gomez

Emilie is the tech goddess for woman-identified coaches, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs who feel lost and confused in the online world.


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